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On Feb 8, the weather at Gopetar, a small village located over 2,000m altitude en-route between Taplejung and Panchthar in the Mechi Highway was very cold when the Mobile Campaign for Climate Change Awareness spearheaded by Nepal Climate Change Knowledge Management Center (NCCKMC) reached there to organize the on- the-spot climate program at Sirijung Higher Secondary School. The rainy morning became a coincidental assumption which Dr Dinesh Bhuju, Team Leader of the Center, had made the other day while explaining his audience about the difference between weather and climate at Taplejung. The team quickly displayed the climate posters on the school wall before the students arrived, by 10:30 am they were ready to conduct special class on climate change and its impact. Mr Pawan Neupane, an environmentalist in the team, taught the students how to do hazard mapping of their locality and keep weather diary to understand climate change. The participating students were not very opened to discuss on the subject, for they said it was a new topic for them. However, they gave big hands thanking the team for giving them an important knowledge to learn. Concluding the program, Ms Ramila Raut handed over a microscope to Head Master Mr Purusottam Dahal as a memento. One could see the hailstorms pouring on the muddy bends of mountain highway outside, but that did not bother the team, nor the young audience to discuss on the issue of climate change that is hitting everybody’s life today.
The On-The-Spot Climate Program was organized by Mobile Campaign of Strengthening NCCKMC Project undertaken by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) with the support fund of Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN).